eldargab / node-fake-fs

Fake node.js file system for testing
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Implement a 'fake' createReadStream #6

Open kdvolder opened 11 years ago

kdvolder commented 11 years ago

Fake-fs as it is, is already quite useful. It would be even more useful if it implemented more of the node fs api.

One of the missing functions is 'createReadStream'.

As a first step it might already be useful to provide a mock implementation that emulates the Stream like interaction without truly needing to support true Streaming.

For example something similar to this:


eldargab commented 11 years ago

Yes, this is not beyond the scope. We can add it after new stream interface will be released. Don't think it is wise to bother with it right now

Olegas commented 10 years ago

@kdvolder take a look at https://github.com/Olegas/node-mockfs