Closed SkywiperSolutions closed 1 year ago
Hmm, possible hickup if you haven't got two sensors. It's a fairly straightforward check in demanding that the number of sensors from nordpool-integration is just one.
Can you try to reboot again and see if problem is gone?
Tried another reboot. Same error:-(
ok, and in developer-tools/state if you query for .nordpool you will only get one sensor? no double installation or anything like that that's lingering in your system? I'm asking for the domain "nordpool" and then querying for sensors in that check.
Are you keen on debugging it a bit yourself? if so you can replace the in peaqnext with this code to get a better understanding of what it's seeing as sensors in that check:
import logging
import homeassistant.helpers.template as template
import asyncio
from custom_components.peaqnext.service.nordpool.nordpool_dto import NordpoolDTO
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NORDPOOL = "nordpool"
class NordPoolUpdater:
def __init__(self, hub, test:bool = False):
self.hub = hub
self._nordpool_entity: str | None = None
self._is_initialized: bool = False
self._currency: str = ""
self._state: float = 0.0
self._prices: list[float] = []
self._prices_tomorrow: list[float] = []
self._use_cent: bool = False
if not test:
self.state_machine = hub.state_machine
def is_initialized(self) -> bool:
return self._is_initialized
def currency(self) -> str:
return self._currency
def state(self) -> float:
return self._state
def state(self, val) -> None:
if self._state != val:
self._state = val
def prices(self) -> list[float]:
return self._prices
def prices(self, val) -> None:
self._prices = val
def prices_tomorrow(self) -> list[float]:
return self._prices_tomorrow
def prices_tomorrow(self, val) -> None:
self._prices_tomorrow = val
def use_cent(self) -> bool:
return self._use_cent
def nordpool_entity(self) -> str:
return getattr(self, "_nordpool_entity", "")
async def async_update_nordpool(self) -> None:
if self.nordpool_entity is not None:
ret = self.state_machine.states.get(self.nordpool_entity)
if ret is not None:
await self.async_set_nordpool(ret)
f"Could not get nordpool-prices. Nordpool-entity: {self.nordpool_entity}. Retrying..."
async def async_set_nordpool(self, ret) -> None:
_result = NordpoolDTO()
await _result.set_model(ret)
if await self.async_update_set_prices(_result):
await self.hub.async_update_prices(
(self.prices, self.prices_tomorrow)
self._is_initialized = True
async def async_update_set_prices(self, result: NordpoolDTO) -> bool:
ret = False
if self.prices !=
self.prices =
ret = True
if result.tomorrow_valid and result.tomorrow is not None:
if self.prices_tomorrow != result.tomorrow:
self.prices_tomorrow = result.tomorrow
ret = True
self.prices_tomorrow = []
ret = True
self._currency = result.currency
self._use_cent = result.price_in_cent
self.state = result.state
return ret
def setup(self):
entities = template.integration_entities(self.state_machine, NORDPOOL)
_LOGGER.debug(f"Found {list(entities)} Nordpool entities.")
if len(list(entities)) < 1:
raise Exception("no entities found for Nordpool.")
if len(list(entities)) == 1:
self._nordpool_entity = entities[0]
f"Nordpool has been set up and is ready to be used with {self.nordpool_entity}"
_LOGGER.error(f"more than one Nordpool entity found. Cannot continue. These are the sensors found: {list(entities)}")
except Exception as e:
f"I was unable to get a Nordpool-entity. Cannot continue.: {e}"
I am unable to reproduce this. Do tell if you still have an issue otherwise please close issue.
Hi. Thanks for your swift replies. Sorry I've been away for some days. So investigated a bit further:
Thanks again for you excellent add-on and support!
I also use additional but only have one. Hmm. Guess ill have to redo some steps of the init. Problem is that i want it to be automatic and not user config (ie error prone).
Please tell the exact name of these two sensors. Perhaps i can come up with a pattern.
And for your (3, yes i can consider that. Can you copy that into a new issue?
Both my sensors have names that have been renamed. Another user have the two as well and he haven't renamed them. They are called:
I'll have to look at how the integration constructs the names i guess. Or look at attributes in the sensors and favor the one with additional costs if there are more than one.
Maybe you could distinguish them by the attribute "Additional costs current hour". This attribute has the value "0" in the Raw sensor.
Handled in Reopen issue if not working.
Installed the peaqnext integration. Rebooted HA. One sensor was added. The sensor failed to setup with the folowing message in Log: "more than one Nordpool entity found. Cannot continue".
My Nordpool integration contains one device and one entity?
Any clues?