eldruin / ads1x1x-rs

Platform-agnostic Rust driver for the ADS1x1x ultra-small, low-power analog-to-digital converters (ADC). Compatible with ADS1013, ADS1014, ADS1015, ADS1113, ADS1114 and ADS1115
Apache License 2.0
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ADS1115 read return always 32767 #7

Closed simeondmr closed 3 years ago

simeondmr commented 3 years ago


I'm using ADS1115 and when I call read method like this: block!(self.adc.read(&mut channel::SingleA0)); the function return always: 32767, and this is really strange.

When I call the read method like this: block!(self.adc.read(&mut channel::DifferentialA0A1)); it seems to work correctly.

The dependencies that I'm using are:

ads1x1x = "0.2.1" i2cdev = "0.4.4" embedded-hal = "0.2.4" linux-embedded-hal = "0.3.0" nb = "1.0.0"

Please could you help me with this problem? Thanks


eldruin commented 3 years ago

What you describe is possible depending on how your pins are electrically connected and your choice of full scale range. Please try building a voltage divider as described here: https://blog.eldruin.com/ads1x1x-analog-to-digital-converter-driver-in-rust/ Remembering to add the line adc.set_full_scale_range(FullScaleRange::Within6_144V).unwrap(); for 5V. And then see if you have the same problem.

simeondmr commented 3 years ago


Ok, I will build a voltage divider and I will let you know! Thanks.


simeondmr commented 3 years ago


I have done the voltage divider and the code work correctly. The problem was that I forgot the line: adc.set_full_scale_range(FullScaleRange::Within6_144V).unwrap(); Thanks for your time.
