elduvelle / SpikeinterfaceMS4_GenzelLab

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Allow the user to concatenate several sessions and sort them together #6

Open elduvelle opened 7 months ago

elduvelle commented 7 months ago

link to spikeinterface page about this

the other data streams (LFP etc.) should be concatenated in the same way in a different program (e.g. Matlab)

elduvelle commented 7 months ago

Interlude: how does our sorting pipeline work??

  1. Extract from a raw .rec file created by Trodes into a Mountainsort format using Trodes functions (done in Matlab or command line at the moment). This creates .ntX.coordinates.dat files and ntX.mda files in the .mountainsort folder
  2. get parameters: tetrode list, possibly file to sort
  3. run mountainsort (run_MS_on_folder) 2.1. get filenames if not previously provided or get list of files to sort together 2.2. For each Tetrode: 2.2.1. Create a parameter file params.json and geometry file geom.csv that will apply to each tetrode (?) in the .mountainsort folder (creatparam) 2.2.2. create a recording extractor object (?) for MDA files se.MdaRecordingExtractor using the params and geometry provided. NOTE we might be able to obtain the start and end of recording here??? 2.2.3. Filter the data in spike band (300-6000 Hz) 2.2.4. run mountainsort with run_Mountainsort create parameters ? ss.Mountainsort4Sorter.default_params() run mountainsort ss.run_mountainsort4 extract waveforms to output folder as well si.extract_waveforms export to phy export_to_phy
  4. run phy (command line)
  5. save cluster categorization


Useful links: remove bad channels in spike interface : https://spikeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how_to/analyse_neuropixels.html?highlight=remove%20bad%20channels#preprocess-the-recording concatenate segments in spike interface: https://spikeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules_gallery/core/plot_5_append_concatenate_segments.html?highlight=concatenate#append-and-or-concatenate-segments another spike interface page on concatenated sorting: https://spikeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/0.13.0/modules/sorters/plot_4_sorting_concatenated_recordings.html


Info on time sync: https://spikeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules_gallery/core/plot_6_handle_times.html