eldy / AWStats

AWStats Log Analyzer project (official sources)
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SiteDomain setted in .conf file don't parse statistics only for that domain name #239

Closed Scippy closed 11 months ago

Scippy commented 11 months ago

Hi, I've used AwStat for long time, now I've installed on a new IIS server and after configured my stats conf file I can see on AwStat generated web page for the specific SiteDomain setted in conf file mixed statistics referred to other domain listed in the same parsed IIS log file. I've the same log file for several virtual web servers but practically whatever I enter as sitedomain the result of the statistics always remains the same! What could be the problem? I'm going crazy!

Scippy commented 11 months ago

Solved! The problem was the wrong format of the log file setted in IIS Now it work fine! immagine