ele828 / hexo-prism-plugin

Hexo plugin for code highlighting by prism.js, supporting JSX syntax
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some problem #3

Closed unicornt closed 7 years ago

unicornt commented 7 years ago

if i move my blog to subdirectory,this plugin doesn't work anymore.

ele828 commented 7 years ago

What do you mean by subdirectory? Can you show me the directory structure, so that I could fix this issue! thanks :)

unicornt commented 7 years ago

if i put my blog in unicornt.github.io,it works very well but now i move my blog to unicornt.github.io/oi-blog,it doesn't work anymore

ele828 commented 7 years ago

This plugin is based on hexo's base directory, if you want to move, you should move all of your hexo folders and files to sub-folder. Then it should work I think.

unicornt commented 7 years ago

i just push my blog to the subdirectory,like this deploy: type: git repository: https://github.com/unicornt/oi-blog.git brach: master

unicornt commented 7 years ago
## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/'
url: https://unicornt.github.io/oi-blog
root: /oi-blog
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
ele828 commented 7 years ago

Ok, I know what you mean. I'll try to fix it asap.

ele828 commented 7 years ago

I fixed it, please update to version 1.0.2

unicornt commented 7 years ago

thank you