electracoin-ECA / electra-desktop

[DEPRECATED]- To be used only on specific request from the Electra team
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Error opening Electra Desktop (release 1.0.0) on Ubuntu 16.04 #84

Open sandrocsimas opened 6 years ago

sandrocsimas commented 6 years ago

image After close the error alert, it shows "Starting daemon" forever.

ivangabriele commented 6 years ago

@sandro-csimas It happens when you have the old QT wallet opened at the same time. Can you close all your wallets and try to relaunch only Electra Desktop ?

sandrocsimas commented 6 years ago

@ivangabriele, Yes I closed the old QT wallet. Is there any application log to check?

sandrocsimas commented 6 years ago

It seems the WalletDaemonState is different of STARTED...

  public get lockState(): WalletLockState {
    if (this.LOCK_STATE === undefined && this.DAEMON_STATE !== WalletDaemonState.STARTED) {
      throw new Error(`ElectraJs.Wallet: You need to #startDaemon in order to know the wallet #lockState.`)
    return this.LOCK_STATE as WalletLockState
sandrocsimas commented 6 years ago

I executed the binary electra-desktop and this was the output:

(node:9767) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoUpdate' of undefined
(node:9767) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
The wallet daemon process exited with the code: 0.
Electra: Error initializing database environment /home/sandro/.Electra! To recover, BACKUP THAT DIRECTORY, then remove everything from it except for wallet.dat.
Electra server starting
The wallet daemon process closed with the code: 0.

Renaming the old "~/.Electra" directory it worked fine, but will create a new wallet. This could be a bug? Incompatibility with the old wallet?

sandrocsimas commented 6 years ago

@ivangabriele, I saw few people in Facebook with the same problem. The way to solve it is by removing the Electra directory content (except the wallet.dat) and letting the new wallet creating the content again.

bak5221 commented 6 years ago

I removed everthing besides wallet.dat. I still get the message.

bak5221 commented 6 years ago


my error is a little different

Uncaught Exception: Error: ElectraJs.Wallet: You need to #startDaemon in order to know the wallet #lockState. at WalletHard.get lockState [as lockState] (/Applications/Electra Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/build/main.js:67565:19) at EventEmitter.electron_1.ipcMain.on (/Applications/Electra Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/build/main.js:83515:53) at emitOne (events.js:115:13) at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:210:7) at WebContents. (/Applications/Electra Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/electron.asar/browser/api/web-contents.js:275:13) at emitTwo (events.js:125:13) at WebContents.emit (events.js:213:7)

ivangabriele commented 6 years ago

@sandrocsimas @bak5221

Now we need to establish a 100% reproducible case. On Linux, I think this is related to the manually built QT wallet which, depending on which code it was build from, is incompatible with the current Electra Desktop binary (because of the database version used). It that's really the case, it will be a "won't fix" but has to be reported on Electra.

Fyi, here are the Linux build instruction for the QT wallet (to try reproducing the case).

sandrocsimas commented 6 years ago

@ivangabriele, I reproduced minutes ago with the latest QT wallet (manually built) and the latest Electra Desktop.

ivangabriele commented 6 years ago

Yep so I confirm the issue is on Electra core side.

bak5221 commented 6 years ago

im still get this message

ivangabriele commented 6 years ago

@bak5221 Please join the #user-support channel on our Discord. There is a workaround to fix that.