electracoin-ECA / electra-desktop

[DEPRECATED]- To be used only on specific request from the Electra team
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CPU Usage #96

Open git-sbudhram opened 6 years ago

git-sbudhram commented 6 years ago

The wallet is using 3% of my i7-7800x which is a 4.4GHz overclocked Hexa-core CPU, 2% of my GTX 1070 and 300MB ram, how and why?

pbp8ntballer commented 6 years ago

CPU usage is at 9.0%, using similarly 310 mb of RAM and a slight load of 3.5% on my GPU.

However, when the wallet is minimized, then these loads disappear, except for RAM decreasing down to ~164 MB load

git-sbudhram commented 6 years ago

By the way, the wallet seems to keep NVIDIA Container and NVIDIA Web Helper Service running, both take about 4-5% of my CPU, combine that with the 3% the wallet itself takes and that's 11-13% CPU usage while my whole computer is idle doing nothing. 11-13% on a 4.4GHz hexa-core while idle is no joke.

git-sbudhram commented 6 years ago


This is what the wallet uses in CPU %. 10.7%! I can't play video games with my wallet open because I get FPS drops to 5-10 FPS and look at my PC specs up here ^. That can't be right.

ivangabriele commented 6 years ago

It is planned to improve the performance once we have fixed most of the bugs. However this wallet is based on Electron, which uses Chromium (~= Chrome), so yes it's kind of using the same resources level an opened Chrome with one tab would use. When Electron v2 will be more stable, switching to this one may also help with that.