electricitymaps / bloom-contrib

Making carbon footprint data available to everyone.
MIT License
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Idea: Give concrete actions and put people in communities. Voting. Calculate greenhouse gasses not carbon, #230

Closed Nathanpmyoung closed 4 years ago

Nathanpmyoung commented 4 years ago

1) Thanks so much for your hard work. This app seems great. 2) You'll be able to see which action will lead to the greatest personal carbon reduction. Can you create communities (whatsapp/facebook to put people in so they can work together to enact these?) look at "one year no beer" for an example of this. 3) Can you rate the plans of the govt and see how your vote could affect your personal carbon output. 4) In my understanding some greenhouse gasses are far more damaging that carbon. Can there be a "carbon equivalent emissions" rathar than just co2?

martincollignon commented 4 years ago

Hey there - great feedback, once your respond I'll close the issue and open them internally.

I believe your ideas on community engagement and civic impact would be great! If you have ideas on where to find the data about the performance about your govt on climate issues, that'd be amazing (and also how much the public sector emits!).

Everything we track is carbon footprint (CO2eq). Is there somewhere where this is not clear?

Nathanpmyoung commented 4 years ago

This is a handbook of a load of environmental tech for good projects: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XRb0In_zvcxHkDlDq8TMGIHIS3cmxeWKYThSAKcg_T0/edit#heading=h.d3dh83lh0jpc

Country emissions: https://ourworldindata.org/co2-and-other-greenhouse-gas-emissions#per-capita-co2-emissions. Sorry not to be much help.

I strongly think creating facebook/reddit/whatsapp groups and emailing people tips to be more environmentally friendly could be a huge deal. One year no beer see 95% of people stopping drinking at all after 90 days from drinking ~7 units a day. If you could see success on anywhere near that level it would have a big impact. Happy to put you in touch with someone if you'd like to talk to them. (I don't work for 1ynb but know someone who does).

Nathanpmyoung commented 4 years ago

Feel free to close this comment.

martincollignon commented 4 years ago

Would love to meet the person from 1ynb! Feel free to reach out at martin@tmrow.com