Closed corradio closed 1 month ago
@corradio this has been pointed out before. Your final comment was:
What happened afterwards?
It has been discussed in 2019 in this thread as well.
It seems like some manual update of capacity data has been done since, but still pretty significant discrepancies, such as:
Wind DK1 and Wind DK2 however are pretty align with Energistyrelsen's Master data register for wind turbines (updated end of September 2021), and Solar capacity seems well updated as well, so I guess this has been updated manually after Kriegers Flak Offshore Windfarm was comissioned.
I don't know how to access ENTSO-E's streaming data, or Energinet's streaming data on fuel sources or specific plants for that matter. I can only check backwards to compare Electricitymap's accumulated data with and Energistyrelsen, year by year, which indicates still heavy discrepancies, not only related to biomass and coal.
Below table includes the latest update from ENTSO-E to compared to the numbers from Energistatistik 2020 showing very significant discrepancies in Fossil Coal, Fossil Oil and Solar capacities (others are within 4% accurate):
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Production Type | 2020 (DK1+DK2) | Energistatistik 2020 | -- | -- -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | [MW] | [MW] | Discrepancy Wind Onshore | 4402 | 4559 | -157 | -3% Wind Offshore | 1700 | 1701 | -1 | 0% Solar | 1013 | 1304 | -291 | -22% Hydro Run-of-river and poundage | 7 | 7 | 0 | 0% Fossil Hard coal | 3656 | 1739 | 1917 | 110% Fossil Gas | 1739 | 1662 | 77 | 5% Fossil Oil | 1009 | 168 | 841 | 501% Biomass | 1872 | 1848 | 24 | 1% Other renewable (Biogas) | 137 | 134 | 3 | 2% Waste | 384 | 401 | -17 | -4% Total Grand capacity | 15596 | 12988 | 2410 | 19%
It has been brought to our attention (on twitter) that the data from ENTSOE might be different from what is published by energinet (even though ENTSOE data come from energinet in the first place). This seems to provide some discrepancies on biomass / coal. Help would be appreciated here!