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[Data Issue]: Possible double counting of storage related emissions in consumption view #6746

Open leon-hard opened 1 month ago

leon-hard commented 1 month ago

When did this happen?


What zones are affected?


What is the problem?

I have a problem to understand how double counting for storage related emissions is avoided at EM. I don't want to discuss here if it is reasonable to take an average value for the emissions related to the grid of the respective country of last year, whereas we know that the business model of these pumped hydro plants is to store variable production, instead to understand how the load for each country is calculated.

I was always assuming that EM is using the load as defined by ENTSO-E without pumped storage consumption for flow tracing and emission calculation, which would therefore avoid double counting. I defended EM already various time if people raised the question on double counting. However, if I have a close look at the data available at the interface, I have more the impression that the load is calculated as production + import saldo. But this would lead inherently to double counting. I could not find any clear defintion how you bring production and consumption in balance for your flow-tracing implementation, which is crucial to understand storage related emission counting.

Find attached the graph that somehow let's me assume that the load is calculated as production + import saldo.

I would be happy to get more information on the calculation of the load, maybe it is also just already documented somewhere and I was to stupid to find it.

Here a simple rational of my thinking:

1) Plant A produces 2 kWh electricity with emissions of 35 gCO2eq/kWh 2) 50% are stored (1 kWh), 50% are consumed (1 kWh) -> these two 2 kWh production are then accounted to load (defined as total production + import saldo for each country, therefore included pumped hydro consumption) 3) In a later timestep, the pumped hydro is producting electricity with 35 gCO2eq/kWh. The load by then will again account for this production related emissions.

But like mentioned above, this all boils down to the question how the load is calculated.


leon-hard commented 1 month ago

I haven't received any feedback yet, so I attempted some reverse engineering to better understand the available data concerning electricity production and consumption.

I noticed that when toggling between the consumption and production views in the "Total Electricity Consumption by Source" and "Total Electricity Production by Source" sections, the specific production values remain unchanged. However, the aggregate figure displayed after each production type changes.

For example, the total electricity production and consumption in Germany for 2023 were as follows:

Total production: 446 TWh
Total consumption: 498 TWh

This suggests a net import balance of 52 TWh.

However, the official reported import balance is only 9.2 TWh, while reports to ENTSO-E TP sum up to 11.7 TWh.

The load reported to ENTSO-E TP for 2023 was 458.3 TWh.

When I add the production value to the ENTSO-E reported import balance, it aligns nearly exactly with the load reported by ENTSO-E TP.

This leads me to question where the 498 TWh figure for total consumption comes from. Could you provide some insight into how the consumption estimate is calculated? Understanding this would help clarify the situation.

This observation seems to be similar for many countries, however I did not crunch the numbers for all of them.



VIKTORVAV99 commented 1 month ago

Just to address your last reply (I'm not the best person to talk to about the first part) but the value you used for consumption don't actually represent the consumption, it is the available energy. Available energy is just the production + imports without the exports accounted for at all.

We did test accounting for both imports and exports to get the actual consumption but then there was a lot of confusion with how hydro could produce 300% of the consumption in SE-SE3 for example since most of the produced energy there is exported.

leon-hard commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for your reply!

The import for Germany in 2023 according to the physical flows at ENTSO-E TP was 63.6 TWh (52.0 TWh exports).

This would lead to 446 TWh + 63.6 TWh = 509.6 TWh (there stays a difference of 11,6 TWh to the reported 498 TWh)

The consumption of pumped hydro was 14,1 TWh in 2023 in Germany. So this is in the range of pumped hydro consumption, but not really adding up, so I guess there are other factors also considered in the calculation.

VIKTORVAV99 commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for your reply!

The import for Germany in 2023 according to the physical flows at ENTSO-E TP was 63.6 TWh (52.0 TWh imports).

This would lead to 446 TWh + 63.6 TWh = 509.6 TWh (there stays a difference of 11,6 TWh to the reported 498 TWh)

The consumption of pumped hydro was 14,1 TWh in 2023 in Germany. So this is in the range of pumped hydro consumption, but not really adding up, so I guess there are other factors also considered in the calculation.

It's also possible that some data was updated after we consumed it, we continuously refetch the last 3 months but if they did a bulk update that could have been missed. It is suspicious there is such a large difference though but I'll look into it.

leon-hard commented 1 month ago

I did a brief check for Switzerland for the aggregated values for 2023 for production values (chosen bcs. it has less production types to consider):


It seems like a renewable share factor for unknown of 0.8 is used, at least I need it to replicate the results.

Hydro storage is not used for the production as well as not used for the total values for the calcualtion of carbon intensity and the shares (which I agree should be done to avoid double counting).

I was a bit confused, because the tooltip of the emissions shows the overall emission sum excluding pumped hydro emissions, on the other hand, the tooltip for the production shows the sum including pumped hydro production. I would suggest to do it similar for both graphs. 68.3 TWh is including pumped hydro, but this is not the value used for the calculations.

It would be great to be able to understand the calculations used for the consumption view like here for the production view.


leon-hard commented 1 month ago

You can cross check with the ENTSO-E statistical fact-sheet:


It gives these key values:

Total net generation: 448.2 TWh (currently at EM: 446 TWh) Consumption of hydro storage: 14.1 TWh

It also gives values for sum of imports and sum of exports on page 13. But you have to be careful here, as this is the sum of im-/exports with netted/balanced values (if there is more than one interconnector between two countries, you can have im- and export at the same time). For flow tracing, I would argue that you have to consider the physical flow as reported/measured.

Here are the values for import and export:

Total import: 63.6 TWh (with netted/balanced values: 51.9 TWh) Total export: 52.0 TWh (with netted/balanced values: 43.3 TWh)

Difference for both is of course matching and 11.6 TWh.

And if I do the calculation of the 446 TWh + netted/balanced import of 51.9 TWh, I end up at 497.9 TWh wich could be equal to the total available energy of 498 TWh (considering that 446 is rounded).

But I have two issues with this:

1) The 446 TWh is including pumped hydro production (at least it matches almost the 448.2 TWh reported by ENTSO-E, which includes pumped hydro). If this is true, with my reasoning from the initial post, I have to assume that double counting is appearing. It could still be possible that it is later substracted for the calculation of the derived values, however I can not really check this.

2) I would argue that you need to use the total import and export values for flow tracing and not the netted/balanced values. Just think for example of the long border between Austria and Germany with mutliple interconnectors. You might have import near to lake Constance and export near to Passau, if you net out im- and export, you pretend nothing has happened. But in reality, these two interconnectors are very far apart and it is hard to reason to neglect this effect. But this can defintely be discussed and the choice of either should be documented (or is already and I am not aware of it ;-) )


VIKTORVAV99 commented 1 month ago

@pierresegonne when you have the time could you take a look at this issue? @leon-hard raises some valid points but I think you would be in a better position to answer this than I am.

mirkoschaefer commented 1 month ago

Hi, I think it is hard to learn from the aggregated values about the corrections happening in each hour to get a balanced system, so it would be great to learn how this is currently implemented. Just to clarify the different questions now arising in this thread:

1) To apply flow tracing (which is used to derive the origin of electricity imports for consumption-based accounting), you need a balanced pattern at each node. EM is using cross-border physical flows, so the balance reads: generation + import + storage charging = load + export + storage discharge ENTSO-E gives values for all the terms in this equation, but unfortunately they don't add up (and the difference can be quite significant). So to get a balanced pattern, you need to add some correction to the values in the equation. Basically there are two perspective on that, I'd say: a) You don't know which of the values are actually correct, so you try to correct some or all of them just a bit to get a balanced pattern. This is what we do for CO2Map.de - we have a balancing algorithm (inspired by the paper from de Chalendar) which adds small corrections to all terms to get a balanced pattern, with the corrections determined through an optimization problem (which tries to correct as little as possible, with some tweaks which cause the process, because we look at Germany, to correct predominantly at other places). b) You assume that one of the reported values is just wrong , the others are right, and you calculate the supposedly wrong value yourself from the others (using the balancing equation above). This could be the load, for instance, which you then would calculate from all other values (physical flows, storage, generation) - an approach taken, to my understanding, by co2-monitor in Germany. In any case, your hourly values feeding into the flow tracing algorithm (and accordingly used for the final results) depend on the balancing corrections (if you do not re-scale them somehow afterwards). If you only do corrections for consumption-based emission accounting (where you need flow tracing), but not for generation-based accounting, then you get different totals for each approach (if you do not somehow rescale one of them at the end). Would be good to know how exactly that is currently handled for Electricitymaps.

2) Storage accounting: If you assume your load, generation and storage values are representing load, generation and storage operation, you can account for storage as in this example: First time step: Generation of 2 kWh of electricity from a source with 1000gCO/kWh, 50% of generation goes into storage (1 kWh), 50% of generation goes into load (1 kWh) Second time step: Storage is discharged (1 kWh) to cover the load (1 kWh), no generation from the generator above. In this case you could calculate the consumption-based intensity as follows (you know that all generation/storage discharge goes into load/storage charging at the same node, for the actual system you have to figure the origin out through flow tracing): First time step: (generationemissionfactor)/(storage charging + load) = 1000gCO2/kWh Second time step: (storage discharge emissionfactor_storage)/load) = 1000gCO2/kWh (Here you know the emission factor of storage discharge, which for the actual system is quite hard and currently is only estimated). This works well for the emission intensities, but for the total emissions this causes some inconsistencies. You could include the storage charging or discharging for calculating total emissions, but then you are double counting. Or could exclude storage charging and discharging, then the total emissions from generation and attributed to the load do not coincide in time (in the example above, in the first time step we have 2kgCO2 from generation and 1 kgCO2 attributed to load, in the second time step no emissions from generation and 1 kgCO2 attributed to load).

3) Net imports/exports or imports and exports for the flow tracing algorithm: To actually account for the effect with flows in different directions on different parts of the border, you would need a higher spatial resolution in your model. The difference between using net imports/exports or both imports and exports for the flow tracing method is discussed here a bit ("aggregated coupling" vs. "direct coupling").

leon-hard commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for detailed description and background!

I also didn't see directly that the netted/balanced im-/exports for one border are equal to the two main ideas behind how to do flow tracing, i.e. in my own simplified words: mixing the smoothie in a big bin where everything goes in (direct coupling) vs. supplying domestic demand by domestic production and only mix im-/export in a separate, smaller bin (aggregated coupling).

One simple way to test which one is used, just check if the values change for a region with net export between consumption and production view, you can easily observe this effect in CO2map and EM.

If I understand it correctly, EM is currently using a hybrid version, i.e. direct coupling but aggregating the flows between one border. It is a bit hard to understand the reasoning of mixing both together.

pierresegonne commented 1 month ago

I'll have a look next week :)

pierresegonne commented 1 month ago

Hey, I've finally managed to find some time to read through this thread.

I applaude the level of scrutinity, it's really important that we nail down the communication around that topic.

I'll start with storage, and follow up with more general questions around the flowtracing methodology in a separate answer.

For storage, please find what happens with the example you had in mind:


The key to understanding why there is no double counting from storage is that we compute consumption as:

consumption = production + imports + discharge - exports - storage

That means that the carbon content of the electricity stored is "sunk", to be later reinjected when there is discharge.

The source of error then comes the mismatch between the content of the electricity that was sunk and the static assumed content exposed by the discharge emission factor

pierresegonne commented 1 month ago

Regarding now the flowtracing methodology itself:

leon-hard commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much for your response @pierresegonne!

After reviewing the slides, I actually ended up with a few more questions 😊. I noticed a potential issue on the last slide with the solution provided. When I run through the calculations myself, I get a different solution vector:

x1 ≈ 0.488 x2 ≈ 0.250 x3 ≈ 0.659

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding the methodology, or if there might be an error. For example, regarding country B's data in the graphic, it seems to indicate that country B is exporting (though it's a bit unclear since E_B-A = -10), which would suggest that the wind share should remain at 25%. However, even if I adjust the E_B-A direction, my results still differ. Could you help clarify this?

Thanks a lot!

leon-hard commented 1 month ago

Firstly, I would like to express my appreciation for the detailed graphic and explanation regarding emissions accounting you provided. It's an excellent resource, and I find myself in agreement with the methodology for calculating consumption-based emission intensity.

However, upon a detailed analysis of the data from the EM interface at a specific point in time (today at 12:00 in Germany), I've noticed a discrepancy that doesn't align with what is depicted in the graphic.

I conducted a thorough examination and here are my findings:

I've attached a screenshot here that illustrates this point. The tooltip indicates that the total production-based emissions are 13.2 kt, whereas the consumption-based emissions are reported as 13.3 kt.


However, if we adjust the consumption definition to be production plus import saldo minus pumped hydro consumption, the corrected total consumption-based emissions, according to my calculations, should be approximately 11.6 kt. This adjustment addresses the issue of double counting that is currently present.

Could you possibly review this and share your thoughts on whether the EM interface might need to adjust its calculation methodology to avoid this discrepancy?

Just to sum it up:

Currently reported total consumption based emissions: 13.3 kt Accroding to my calculations: 11.6 kt (taking into account that hydro pumped storage consumption should not be used to calculate consumption based emissions)

Thank you very much in advance!

VIKTORVAV99 commented 1 month ago

FYI the app backend might be doing some simplifications to the calculations after the flowtracing for performance reasons which could cause small differences. I'm not sure it's the cause here but I know it's simplifying some calculations by making some assumptions about data availability. I'll add an internal issue to double check it, personally I won't have time to do it until after the 2nd of June do to uni exams but I'll add it to my todo list just in case.

mirkoschaefer commented 1 month ago

Hi all, also thanks from my side for the detailed conversation. I currently have no time to check the calculations, but will try to take a look at it next week. For now I wanted to add two comments to points from the discussion:

leon-hard commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for your comments @mirkoschaefer!

I think we have to be careful with accessing data from ENTSO-E. The cross-border physical flows are reported by the TSOs to ENTSO-E. They are reporting for their corresponding control area. Many countries only consist of a single control area, so there might be not a big difference. However, in Germany, there are four different control areas.

Each TSO is reporting its own physical flows. ENTSO-E is then aggregating these values. I would suggest to use directly the TSO data without prior aggregation.

Here, just an example which you can check at ENTSO-E TP for 2nd of May, 00:00 - 00:15 CEST, and the border DE-AT:

1) CTA|DE(Amprion) -> CTA|AT: 295 MW 2) CTA|AT -> CTA|DE(TransnetBW): 56 MW 3) CTA|DE(TenneT GER) > CTA|AT: 126 MW

Total export for DE: 421 MW Total import for DE: 56 MW Saldo for DE: 365 MW

This corresponds to the value reported for the country border (including some rounding errors): Germany (DE) -> Austria (AT): 367 MW

Flow tracing should fundamentally be regarded as a modeling tool rather than a direct representation of physical processes. It is essential to understand that while flow tracing attempts to answer questions about the origins of energy consumption - essentially tracing the "colors" of the electrons utilized - it does not physically track the electrons themselves. Therefore, the results produced by flow tracing models should be interpreted within the context of their methodological framework rather than as exact depictions of electrical flow. This distinction is crucial when analyzing or drawing conclusions from flow tracing outcomes, as the models provide approximations based on theoretical constructs rather than empirical observations.

However, I would expect a flow tracing algorithm to at least be based on the flows where actual data is available. And as I had shown above, these number can deviate considerable (63.6 TWh vs 51.9 TWh, +22.5%).

Regarding the question on double counting, I also attached my excel sheet in order to be able to understand my calculations. My observation is that the calculation for the total consumption based emissions is using emission factor * consumption (being production + import saldo).

grafik Recalculate EM.xlsx

pierresegonne commented 3 weeks ago

Hey sorry for the delay in replying, I'm completely taken by internal tasks and I've still not been able to look at your answers. We have a big delivery coming up end of June so most of the people that could jump in to answer are also busy with that. I'll come back to that as soon as I have capacity