electricitymaps / electricitymaps-contrib

A real-time visualisation of the CO2 emissions of electricity consumption
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3.36k stars 907 forks source link

Collapsible time controller #6895

Open vladimirmak02 opened 5 days ago

vladimirmak02 commented 5 days ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. You can't see the full charts on a small desktop screen because the time controller takes up a lot of space.

Describe the solution you'd like Make the time controller collapsible.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context image

vladimirmak02 commented 5 days ago

Here's a sketch of what my proposed solution would look like: Open state: image Collapsed state: image

VIKTORVAV99 commented 5 days ago


It's funny you opened this issue as this is actually something we have planned and will probably begin working on the next couple of weeks. So stay tuned!

It won't look exactly like your sketch/visualisation but it will become a lot smaller when collapsed.

cc @Alportan for feedback/inspiration.