electro-smith / DaisyExamples

Examples for the Daisy Platform
MIT License
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Make Create New Project Python Script #126

Closed andrewikenberry closed 3 years ago

andrewikenberry commented 3 years ago

Create New Project Python Script

stephenhensley commented 3 years ago

Just weighing in before the PR shows up, but this is much needed especially as Debug support gets added to all the examples.

After doing a very brief amount of playing around with VCV rack a week or so ago, it was cool to see their python helper script, helper.py, be a singular script to assist with most utility actions. Might be worth doing something similar here to limit the number of scripts needed.

could be like:

#  Create MyNewProject for DaisyPatch
python helper.py create --board patch MyNewProject

# Duplicate MyOldProject and and rename everything to MyNewProject
python helper.py duplicate MyOldProject MyNewProject

the long-form --board could be -b or just a second positional argument.

stephenhensley commented 3 years ago

works as part of helper.py