electro-smith / DaisyExamples

Examples for the Daisy Platform
MIT License
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seed/WavPlayer.cpp stopped working with FatFSInterface #261

Closed MarianoDesivo closed 2 years ago

MarianoDesivo commented 2 years ago

On previous versions I used to have no Fat FS Interface, and my daisy seed can run this example at STANDARD speed - 1 bit width

But now I can't use it, it seems the Daisy can not read the SD card

I have connected the SD card d0 bit and CMD with 47k pull up resistors, and to the Daisy sd pins (also connected clk, 3v3, and gnd)

image This is my circuit, same as daisyPod circuit but with only 1 bit (d0). DGND is connected to AGND

stephenhensley commented 2 years ago

@MarianoDesivo Is it possible that you had a modified version of the file before updating?

The default for the SDMMC handler is 4-bit I/O.

If you add the following line after sd_cfg.Defaults(); it should work for you again:

sd_cfg.width = SdmmcHandler::BusWidth::BITS_1;