electro-smith / DaisyExamples

Examples for the Daisy Platform
MIT License
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fix libdaisy casing typo #267

Closed matpalm closed 2 years ago

matpalm commented 2 years ago

minor typo in helper.py

without this change we get the following

~/dev/DaisyExamples$ python3 helper.py create patch/Test --board patch
creating new project: patch/Test for platform: patch
copying utils/Template to new project: patch/Test

~/dev/DaisyExamples$ cd patch/Test/

~/dev/DaisyExamples/patch/Test$ make
Makefile:13: ../../libdaisy//core/Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '../../libdaisy//core/Makefile'.  Stop.
stephenhensley commented 2 years ago

Good find!

I could have sworn we finally resolved all of the libDaisy-related case issues.

Thanks for the fix!! 😄