electro-smith / DaisyExamples

Examples for the Daisy Platform
MIT License
361 stars 189 forks source link

patchsm/VoctCalibrationis missing from repo #278

Open stanybebe opened 1 year ago

stanybebe commented 1 year ago

Hey friends! Super excited to get coding with my daisy patch init, one issue tho I've realized in the simple oscillator example is that it mentions there is a calibration example for 1v per octave but when searching the repo I can't find it! any help would be appreciated

stephenhensley commented 1 year ago

Hi @stanybebe thanks for pointing this out!

I'm not sure the calibration example ever got made, but we'll look into getting one added in the next few weeks. We'll be cleaning up, and reworking some of the existing examples, and adding some sorely missed examples over this period of time.

stanybebe commented 1 year ago

hey thats great! very excited! tysm