electro-smith / DaisySP

A Powerful DSP Library in C++
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[REQ] fix license on GH #199

Closed MarcoRavich closed 5 months ago

MarcoRavich commented 5 months ago

Hi there, 1st of all thanks for your cool work !

Since we've "doxed" it in our HyMPS project (under the AUDIO \ Libraries \ DSPs subsection), can you please "standardize" the license for it ?

Although it may sounds like a minor aspect, a GH "uncompliant" license file causes an inconsistent generation of the relative badge:

(badge-generator URL: https://flat.badgen.net/github/license/electro-smith/DaisySP/?label=LICENSE)

You can easily set a standardized license file through the GH's license wizard tool.

Last but not least, let us know how - in your opinion - we could improve our categorizations and links to resources in order to favor collaboration between developers (and therefore evolution) of listed projects.

Thanks in advance.

beserge commented 5 months ago

Hi @forart, thanks for including us in your repository, we're really honored! For now, we unfortunately can't change the license file, but I was able to find a way with badgen to statically create the badge to display the correct license. Of course this isn't as clean of a solution as dynamically generating them, but we don't plan on moving from the MIT license any time soon!

Here's the url, as well as how it looks rendered. https://flat.badgen.net/static/license/MIT/blue?label=

Thanks for your feedback!

MarcoRavich commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reply.

Here's the url, as well as how it looks rendered. https://flat.badgen.net/static/license/MIT/blue?label=

Yes we know (we use this approach for multi or own licensing), but we would like to avoid it for GH's officially supported licenses.

Thanks anyway.