electro-smith / DaisySP

A Powerful DSP Library in C++
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Process single sample or block, return or replace inconsistency #59

Open AvAars opened 4 years ago

AvAars commented 4 years ago

As I was working on an improvement for the Compressor module, I noticed how some DSP modules have some sort of Process-method to work on a single sample and just return a single output sample. Some use ProcessBlock, some require the input by reference and work directly on the buffer while others work on a given output buffer. This makes using the library somewhat difficult (sometimes using it inside your input loop in the AudioCallback, sometimes outside)

Now there is something to say for both of these, as processing a block reduces method calls by blocksize (I think? I'm somewhat new to DSP programming) but processing a single sample gives more flexibility.

I would propose adding both options to all modules, if possible. And specifically for the ProcessBlock option: never work directly on the input buffer so that stays clean should the user wish to process that input though another module.

As long as a user doesn't use both single sample- and block-processing in a single AudioCallback, it should be fine, I think.

Would there be any problem with this?

stephenhensley commented 4 years ago

Agreed. For the most part, nearly all modules have a single-sample Process function, but there are certainly a few earlier additions to the library that do not (NlFilt comes to mind right away).

It would be great to clean this up for consistency, and yeah I think its a great idea for every module to have a ProcessBlock function as well.

AvAars commented 4 years ago

Allright, I'll see if I can find some time to help out on this :)