electro-smith / oopsy

gen~ to Daisy: exporting Max Gen patchers for the ElectroSmith Daisy hardware platforms
MIT License
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SD not working on 1-bit mode #56

Open MarianoDesivo opened 3 years ago

MarianoDesivo commented 3 years ago

On my breadboard I have connected only d0 (not d1,d2,d3) to use the 1-bit mode

I downloaded the dev branch

I checked the genlib_daysi.h to be in 1-bit mode

void sdcard_init() {
            daisy::SdmmcHandler::Config sdconfig;
            sdconfig.Defaults(); // 4-bit, 50MHz
            // sdconfig.clock_powersave = false;
            // sdconfig.speed           = daisy::SdmmcHandler::Speed::FAST;
            sdconfig.width           = daisy::SdmmcHandler::BusWidth::BITS_1;
            f_mount(&SDFatFS, SDPath, 1);

On that folder, I opened oopsy-dev\examples\sdcard-minimal.maxpat

I copied the drumloop.wav on my SD

I run it on my daysi but does not work

I checked with C++ (WavPlayer.cpp with 1-bit mode) and it works, playing drumloop.wav on my daisy