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Yarn install fails due to engine mismatch with electrode-electrify-react-component and sw-precache-webpack-plugin #390

Open tbohlen opened 7 years ago

tbohlen commented 7 years ago

When using yo electrode to generate a new app, the resulting dependencies have an engine mismatch error that prevents yarn install from working.

Using node v6, the install fails because electrode-electrify-react-compontent (dependency tree: electrode-archetype-react-app-dev -> electrode-webpack-reporter -> electrode-electrify-react-component) lists node ^4.2.6 under engines.

Sadly, if I switch to node 4, install fails because sw-precache-webpack-plugin (also required by electrode-archetype-react-app-dev) lists node >5 under engines

The way around this is to use yarn install --ignore-engines, but it would be much nicer if electrode-electrify-react-component could just allow for node 6. Is that change possible?

(Feel free to move to electrode repo, if desired.)

bodawei commented 7 years ago

I just filed a similar issue at https://github.com/electrode-io/electrode/issues/325 . But then noticed that there'd been a recent upgrade to electrode. When I upgraded everything, the error went away for me (I'm not sure yet what changed). electrode-electrify-react-component still has the fundamental issue ( see https://github.com/electrode-io/electrode-electrify/issues/26 and https://github.com/electrode-io/electrode-electrify/pull/27 )