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major(CEECORE-3087): Upgrade xarc-react-router package to V6 #1887

Closed mristic505 closed 2 years ago

mristic505 commented 2 years ago


Key Changes

How to Test

Key Notes

unstable_HistoryRouter as HistoryRouter is used here instead of <Router> because reactrouter v6 removed history prop support for <Router>. This API is currently prefixed as unstable because you may unintentionally add two versions of the history library, the one you have added to the package.json and whatever version React Router uses internally. Once react-router has a mechanism to detect mis-matched versions, this API will remove its unstable_ prefix. https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/routers/history-router. For now, use the unstable_HistoryRouter version here.