electrodejs / deprecated-generator-electrode-component

Yeoman generator for Electrode-React Components
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Enhancement: Port configuration #13

Closed jspears closed 7 years ago

jspears commented 7 years ago

I would assume there would be many component dev environments running at any given time. So it would be great if the http listen port was configurable via environment and/or config section in the package.json.

$ HTTP_PORT=4001 gulp dev
$ HTTP_PORT=4002 npm start


"config": {
ananavati commented 7 years ago


fixed in https://github.com/electrode-io/electrode-archetype-react-component/pull/19

WEBPACK_DEVSERVER_PORT will be the env variable used to provide custom port.

example: _$ WEBPACK_DEVSERVER_PORT=4002 gulp dev_

ananavati commented 7 years ago

add the feature in https://github.com/electrode-io/electrode-archetype-react-component/pull/19