electrolux-oss / infrawallet

Control your cloud costs just in the way how you control your bank accounts
Apache License 2.0
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Support tag based filtering of cost #5

Open Alok650 opened 1 month ago

Alok650 commented 1 month ago

Hi In case of extracting data from cost explorer, can we add the functionality to filter based on a tag(s). For example, filter cost of all cloud services having tag "x". Also things like filter cost of all Lambdas having a tag "y".

gluckzhang commented 1 month ago

Hello :) Yeah, that would be nice to have such a feature. It may take more time because we actually need two kinds of filters:

The 2nd one seems more related to your question. If we use AWS as an example, InfraWallet should support to configure the filters needed here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/latest/APIReference/API_GetCostAndUsage.html#awscostmanagement-GetCostAndUsage-request-Filter Tags (cost allocation tags, more specifically) are one kind of filters in this case.

It still requires more discussion and design work. Let's keep this issue open and welcome others to provide feedback as well!

Alok650 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @gluckzhang, do we have a timeline for release of this feature?

gluckzhang commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @gluckzhang, do we have a timeline for release of this feature?

This will not happen soon. Currently, we are working on supporting the daily costs of AWS, Azure, and GCP. We plan to add some features around tagging in Q3 of this year.