electron-archive / grunt-electron-installer

Grunt plugin to build Windows installers for Electron apps
MIT License
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Creating delta packages (nuget) #120

Closed mzmousa closed 8 years ago

mzmousa commented 8 years ago

When we set remoteReleases to the URL of our existing updates, how do we generate those updates? I am currently using this module to create my installers and getting a full nuget package, but not sure of how to make a delta nuget package.

kevinmartin commented 8 years ago

If you set remoteReleases to the url of the previous RELEASES file, you should get 3 new files (*-full.nupkg, *-delta.nupkg, and updated RELEASES file).

Upload those files to a static file server online and point the autoUpdater to the "folder" containing the files.

mzmousa commented 8 years ago

Does this mean I have to run my installer every time I want new full, Delta, and releases files?

kevinmartin commented 8 years ago

If by installer, you mean grunt-electron-installer then yes. If you mean the generated AppNameSetup.exe, no.

kevinmartin commented 8 years ago

There are samples apps out there that you can look through and see how they do this stuff.

mzmousa commented 8 years ago

At first, delta packages wouldn't be be created if the version number was the same. Now they are produced when there is a different version number in my package.json. Thank you!

mzmousa commented 8 years ago

@KevinMartin would you know anything about this similar issue?