electron-archive / grunt-electron-installer

Grunt plugin to build Windows installers for Electron apps
MIT License
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iconUrl should accept local files #73

Closed romaincointepas closed 8 years ago

romaincointepas commented 9 years ago

setupIcon does accept a local .ico file, is there any reason why it can't be the same for iconUrl (which should just be named icon then)?

anaisbetts commented 9 years ago

If you use a local .ico file, it'll only work on your computer - the Squirrel installer downloads the icon for the uninstaller on-install. This isn't ideal, but it's how it works right now

d9k commented 8 years ago

If you use a local .ico file, it'll only work on your computer

So why can't icon be distributed with application package?

the Squirrel installer downloads the icon for the uninstaller on-install

Why can't icon be integrated into installer?

anaisbetts commented 8 years ago

Because IconURL is a URL, and if you specify things that aren't URLs, NuGet will blow up. I suppose we could try a file: URL but that'd be quite unintuitive for people

lipis commented 8 years ago

@paulcbetts anything.. as long as we can assign some sort of icon to local path :)

havenchyk commented 8 years ago

Well, it's not possible right now because of nuget limitations. Feel free to open issue agains nuget or squirrel.windows.

mor-o commented 1 year ago

can we reopen this? this is still an issue on private networks with no access to the internet NuGet fixed their issue already long ago: https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/352

FrahHS commented 1 year ago

can we reopen this? this is still an issue on private networks with no access to the internet NuGet fixed their issue already long ago: NuGet/Home#352

Same issue on local network