Closed lucaslomeu closed 2 years ago
@mmaietta @develar
Same thing happening to me. My guess is the cache clears too fast and is not able to quit and install after having the file unziped.
Electron-Builder Version: 22.14.2
Node Version: 16.14.2
Electron Version: 13.1.9
Electron Type (current, beta, nightly): current
Target: MacOS, but i need WML
[Error: Could not locate update bundle for com.github.Electron within file:///Users/lucas/Library/Caches/com.github.Electron.ShipIt/update.erv01nk/] { code: 2, domain: 'SQRLUpdaterErrorDomain' } Error: Error: Could not locate update bundle for com.github.Electron within file:///Users/lucas/Library/Caches/com.github.Electron.ShipIt/update.erv01nk/
Ok, so I came with the solution.
Your application need a bundleId, the problem is even if you set it for the electron-packager in the package.json. When you execute the app with npm start
the bundleId is set to com.github.Electron
while the one in your packaged app that you uploaded to your releases server is: com.yourcompany.yourapp
The autoUpdater checks them and silently deletes the unziped application, giving you the error Could not locate update bundle...
Execute the autoupdater with your packaged app.
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there is my package.json file, when i run npm start still the same error
same issue, any solution?
At the time I managed to solve the problem, but I no longer have the code or remember the solution. Can you send a print or something like that to try to help?