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How to add license files to dmg #6968

Open JaberAlsalamah opened 2 years ago

JaberAlsalamah commented 2 years ago

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I would like to add license files and license buttons to the dmg file I'm building.

This guide on Electron-Builder's website is not clear enough.

I tried the steps below, but when I click on the dmg file and extract the app, the license window does not show up:

1- I created a license folder on the root of the project:

Screen Shot 1443-11-30 at 9 37 56 AM

2- I included the files in the license folder in the build configuration

Screen Shot 1443-11-30 at 9 48 00 AM

3- I built the project, then clicked on the dmg file and dragged the app to the applications folder.

4- I clicked on the app.

Any idea what I am doing wrong? any help is appreciated.

fluke777 commented 2 years ago

Hey @JaberAlsalamah .

I am working on something similar. I agree the docs are nor super clear. I got it working like this.

For DMG no configuration seems to be needed. You just need to create a file called license_LANG_CODE.txt and put it into your buildResources directory (this is most likely called build). It should pop up when you double click your DMG.

What I cannot figure out is if you can specify one license for all languages.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

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