electron-userland / electron-builder

A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box
MIT License
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electron-updater ERR_UPDATER_INVALID_SIGNATURE #8246

Open zengxiaoya opened 4 weeks ago

zengxiaoya commented 4 weeks ago

"electron-updater": "^6.1.8",

zengxiaoya commented 4 weeks ago

NsisUpdater.js code Error const signatureVerificationStatus = await this.verifySignature(destinationFile); if (signatureVerificationStatus != null) { await removeTempDirIfAny(); // noinspection ThrowInsideFinallyBlockJS throw (0, builder_util_runtime_1.newError)(New version ${downloadUpdateOptions.updateInfoAndProvider.info.version} is not signed by the application owner: ${signatureVerificationStatus}, "ERR_UPDATER_INVALID_SIGNATURE"); }

zengxiaoya commented 4 weeks ago
