electron-userland / electron-windows-store

:package: Turn Electron Apps into Windows AppX Packages
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Electron JS App still has default Icons (.appx file built with electron-windows-store) #142

Open NukleusOntwerp opened 3 years ago

NukleusOntwerp commented 3 years ago

I've tried every solution I could find online but the logo keeps defaulting to electron logo. I do see my logos in the pre-appx/assets folder alongside the default Sample*.png files.

This is the command I use to build the appx file:

electron-windows-store --input-directory C:\nukleus-online-desktop-app\win-unpacked --output-directory C:\ --package-version --package-name 'NukleusAanlynApp' --package-display-name 'Nukleus Aanlyn App' --publisher-display-name 'Nukleus Onderwys' --identity-name 31765NukleusOnderwys.NukleusAanlynApp -a C:\nukleus-online-desktop-app\Resources\

The logo files are now named only by size:


but I have tried Square44x44.Logo.png and it also did not work.

Any suggestions would be appreciated! I have also checked the repo and there are issues regarding this which seem to be sorted but I found no actual solutions.

FreeHongKong-PP commented 3 years ago
  1. You need to unpack the appx

  2. Open AppManifest, either rename your icon to the default naming / edit manifest image image

  3. Then repack appx and sign certificate.

NukleusOntwerp commented 3 years ago


Much Appreciated!!! I tried unpacking the .appx but had to much trouble using MakeAppx.exe - so I instead renamed all my files to the Sample... names and it worked.

I also found a flag in the electron-windows-store command that allows you to replace the Manifest file, will try that too.

Again, Thank You!