I want to be able to serve my sveltekit/vite app both from a web server and from electron. I've scaffolded my project using electron-vite, so my fronted sources are in src/renderer. How to serve them using vite dev? I get an empty page if I serve it from the repository root, and if I change the vite root to src/renderer, then imports don't work since there's no package.json and node_modules there.
I want to be able to serve my sveltekit/vite app both from a web server and from electron. I've scaffolded my project using electron-vite, so my fronted sources are in src/renderer. How to serve them using vite dev? I get an empty page if I serve it from the repository root, and if I change the vite root to src/renderer, then imports don't work since there's no package.json and node_modules there.