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[Bug]: {action: "deny"} from contents.setWindowOpenHandler(handler) is unusable #42210

Closed safris closed 2 weeks ago

safris commented 2 weeks ago

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Operating System Version

Sonoma 14.4.1

What arch are you using?

arm64 (including Apple Silicon)

Last Known Working Electron version

No response

Expected Behavior

The documentation here describes the behavior of the contents.setWindowOpenHandler(handler).

If {action: "allow"} is returned, a BrowserWindow will be instantiated.

If {action: "deny"} is returned, a BrowserWindow will be not be instantiated. But also, the WebContents from whose renderer the window.open() function was called will show a dialog saying "Grrr! A popup blocker may be preventing the application from opening the page. If you have a popup blocker, try disabling it to open the window."

I would expect there to be a mechanism by which the "Grrr!..." dialog can be quashed (i.e. not shown).

Actual Behavior

I have not been able to find any mention of how to quash the "Grrr!..." dialog. If the dialog cannot be quashed, then {action: "deny"} cannot ever be returned from contents.setWindowOpenHandler(handler) for a window.open() call from a renderer without displaying the "Grrr!..." dialog, thus making {action: "deny"} unusable.

Testcase Gist URL

No response

Additional Information

No response

codebytere commented 2 weeks ago

"Grrr! A popup blocker may be preventing the application from opening the page. If you have a popup blocker, try disabling it to open the window."

I've never seen this and it's not part of Chromium's own codebase - is this part of the app you're working on? It's not reproducible for me either. The window simply doesn't open, as I'd expect. I added

mainWindow.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => {
    return {
      action: 'deny'

to the main process and window.open() to the renderer process on macOS.

safris commented 2 weeks ago

@codebytere, you're absolutely right. This bug was indeed outside of Electron. I apologize for raising this here, and thank you for looking into it 🙏