electron / forge

:electron: A complete tool for building and publishing Electron applications
MIT License
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Publisher for GitLab #1874

Open MangaD opened 3 years ago

MangaD commented 3 years ago

Preflight Checklist

Problem Description

I would like to have an auto-updater on my app, and I'm using GitLab for versioning. I haven't found any feature or instructions for this kind of set-up.

Proposed Solution

Support for auto-updating using GitLab CI. And a demo on how to achieve it.

malept commented 3 years ago

For autoupdating, you'll need to write something similar to update-electron-app. This is outside of the scope of Electron Forge.

For publishing, you'll need to write something similar to the GitHub or BitBucket publisher plugins. Adding such a plugin to the Electron Forge repository is very low on my list of priorities without some sort of sponsorship, but folks are free to write a third-party publisher plugin for GitLab.

MangaD commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your help!

I'll leave the issue open in case you ever have the time and interest to write a plugin for GitLab.

bullshit commented 3 months ago
