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maker-dmg fails when run in parallel #3517

Open macdja38 opened 4 months ago

macdja38 commented 4 months ago

Pre-flight checklist

Electron Forge version


Electron version


Operating system

macOS 14.3

Last known working Electron Forge version

It broke in 7.0.0

Expected behavior

Expect electron-forge make -- --arch=x64,arm64 to build both x64 and arm64 versions of the app.

Actual behavior

Both x64 and arm64 make steps fail. with the error Target already exists node_modules/appdmg/lib/appdmg.js:81:53

Steps to reproduce

electron-forge make -- --arch=x64,arm64

    name: "@electron-forge/maker-dmg",
    config: {
        debug: true,
        overwrite: true,
    platforms: ["darwin"],

Additional information

For context it'll be helpful to read through this PR that changed how makers are run. https://github.com/electron/forge/pull/3363

I dug into this a bit. the specific target error comes from appdmg.js:81:53

On a run through with just one target that succeeded:

console.log("Target step started", global.target); at the start of that shows

[REDACTED]/desktop/out/make/OurAppName.dmg for both of the builds that are happening simultaneously

I took a look at the electron code that calls into that @electron-forge/maker-dmg/src/MakerDMG.ts output on line 21 is the one used as the target. forgeDefaultOutPath is fine though. For example: [REDACTED]/desktop/out/make/OurAppName-1.2.3-arm64.dmg

dmgConfig is

overwrite = true
name = "OurAppName"
debug = true
icon = "assets/resources/icon.icns"
background = "assets/resources/installBackground.png"
appPath = "[REDACTED]/desktop/out/OurAppName-darwin-arm64/OurAppName.app"
out = "[REDACTED]/desktop/out/make"

Execution goes into the conditional (if !this.config.name)

I think this could probably be fixed by adding the targetArch to the outPath.

I plan on submitting a PR to fix this soon.

kevincerro commented 4 months ago

I have the same issue when building to arm and x64 using electron-forge make --arch=x64,arm64