electron / forge

:electron: A complete tool for building and publishing Electron applications
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feat(core): support ESM Forge module loading #3582

Open SpacingBat3 opened 1 month ago

SpacingBat3 commented 1 month ago


This PR focuses on bringing the initial support loading Forge modules (plugins, makers, publishers etc.) that use ESM for their module format. It should also contain some cosmetic changes like rename of require-search to import-search (to reflect it isn't around the require API only anymore), improvements around the helper so it won't resolve path for modules passed by their names and introduces new function, dynamicImportMaybe, that will also try doing require first and falling back to ESM when it fails (I chose to require first so I won't have to resolve default in CJS import).

The main motivation on that is to allow third-parties as well as official Forge modules to be able to effortlessly utilise the ESM syntax entirely. While this is possible for now with the Forge as well, it requires of already importing the class to the config on your own.

There are currently a few things that could be considered to be worked on in the future, but are not really necessary from what I've been testing:

I should also mention, the changes in this repo were tested by me (locally) with my own implementation of ESM maker.

Changes around the tests

Of course, due to the changes, I had to modify tests for require-search and publish-spec, due to changes in module names and switching some previously synchronous code to be async. For now, testing only the workspace @electron-forge/core, I've seen similar number of tests failing on both official implementation and this fork, and I think they were caused because Forge expected to run tests from a root project than a workspace, as I saw those were mostly caused due to missing scripts in workspace package (so it's nothing serious). I guess it's out of the scope to fix that tho.

Additional notes

I hope my commit messages as well as their classification and even this PR name fits well the policy of this project. This is my first time to contribute to Forge, so I'm definitely learning how to do stuff right while trying to avoid mistakes as much as I could 😄️.