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vite-plugin unable to make/package #3658

Open twann503 opened 1 month ago

twann503 commented 1 month ago

Pre-flight checklist

Electron Forge version


Electron version


Operating system

macOS 14.5

Last known working Electron Forge version

No response

Expected behavior

Able to package and make via electron forge cli on macOS using DMG @electron-forge/maker-dmg": "^7.4.0",

Actual behavior

So I created a new project using the template.

npm init electron-app@latest my-new-app -- --template=vite-typescript

This uses the latest template of 7.4.0, building and running works fine. I then add some packages that seem to cause this behavior.

I run yarn make it fails, so I enable debugging via export DEBUG=electrion-*

Run it again and get the following

An unhandled rejection has occurred inside Forge:
Error: Cannot copy '../../../markdown-it/bin/markdown-it.mjs' to a subdirectory of itself, '../../../markdown-it/bin/markdown-it.mjs'.
at /Users/alex.pham/Documents/Git/vitelasttry/my-new-app/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy/copy.js:213:21
    at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (node:fs:193:23)
error Command failed with exit code 1.

Steps to reproduce

  1. create new project npm init electron-app@latest my-new-app -- --template=vite-typescript

  2. add dmg maker yarn add @electron-forge/maker-dmg

  3. edit forge.config.ts replace zip maker with DMG maker

makers: [ new MakerSquirrel({}), new MakerDMG(), new MakerRpm({}), new MakerDeb({}), ],

  1. add this dependency yarn add @atlaskit/editor-common

  2. make the project yarn make

Additional information

Seems to be related to this issue


however I checked my yarn.lock file and see that @electron/asar points to version 3.2.10 which should be the version that fixed the possible symlink issue.

twann503 commented 1 month ago

In my case the error was saying

An unhandled rejection has occurred inside Forge: Error: Cannot copy '../../../markdown-it/bin/markdown-it.mjs' to a subdirectory of itself, '../../../markdown-it/bin/markdown-it.mjs'.

So run the following command to remove the link

find node_modules -type l | grep "markdown" | xargs rm

This is my temp fix until the package gets updated to account for soft links on macOS

if you get the same error but for a different package, just replace "markdown" with the package name e.g. "semver", "loose-envify"