electron / windows-installer

Build Windows Installers for Electron apps
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can certificateFile accept base64 #400

Open steveoh opened 3 years ago

steveoh commented 3 years ago

Having a file available for signing is a bit problematic in a public build pipeline. OSX allows a base64 certificate string to be used which can be stored as a secret very simply. Is this an option or a possibility for this package?

gregcotten commented 1 year ago

Just came here to ask the same question. Looks like crickets...

anaisbetts commented 1 year ago

certificate is passed directly to Windows SDK signtool.exe verbatim, whatever it supports, Squirrel supports. Having a ~7000+ byte environment variable might blow the max length for the environment block for a process as well (though I definitely sympathize with the want to not have to inject secret files in CI then mop them up afterwards)