electronicarts / CnC_Remastered_Collection

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Yes sir? #1

Open mokanfar opened 4 years ago

IvanaXu commented 4 years ago

My childhood.

YYOUNG7878 commented 4 years ago

Our base is under attack!!

wisexp commented 4 years ago

That was left handed!

alexfanqi commented 4 years ago

Ore miner is under attack (annoying noise)

ghost commented 4 years ago

Unit promoted

ranmx commented 4 years ago

insufficient of funds

aishiqi commented 4 years ago

May Day, May Day

FatTigerWang commented 4 years ago

kirov reporting !

vang1ong7ang commented 4 years ago

For the Union

YiJing233 commented 4 years ago

on the way

ghost commented 4 years ago

Oh, mine under attack.

dhc5251 commented 4 years ago

I can go anywhere.

xiaofsu commented 4 years ago

yes sir!

Heaven-zhw commented 4 years ago

Warning, genetic mutator activated

fyxcj commented 4 years ago

Attacking!changing position!

GoodMan-bill commented 4 years ago

1.动员兵: Da!(是!), Comrade?(同志,请下令!), Moving out!(出发!),Waiting orders!(等待指示!), Conscript reporting!(动员兵报告!), All that received!(收到!), For the Union!(为了苏维埃!), Attacking!(全力攻击!), You are shot!(你完蛋了!), For the mothers at Russia!(为了远在俄罗斯的母亲!), For the whole country!(为了国家!). 2.美国大兵: Sir!Yes sir!(是,长官!), Huh!(明白!), How about some actions!(开始行动吧!} 3.磁爆步兵:Elec-coat ready!(隔电衣穿好了!), Going to source!(向能源区集结!). 4.飞行兵:Roger that!(明白!), You've got no place to hide!(你无处可藏!) 5.疯狂伊万:It's too quiet here! (这里太安静了!}, I've lost a bomb, do you have it?(我有一枚炸弹不见了,是不是在你哪儿?). 6.谭雅:Yeah,baby!(哇,太棒了!), Moving out,boss!(头,我出发了!), I've got the order!(我接到命令了!). 7.间谍:Mission,sir?(长官,行动吗?), Under cover!(我有伪装!), Operation under way!(即将潜入!), This guy's raggy!(就扮成那个家伙!). 8.尤里:My command is your wish!(你只有服从我的指挥!), Turn me your wish! (你最终将加入我这边!). 9.狙击手:Sniper ready!(我是狙击手!), Eliminate them!(消灭他们!),Proceeding to the vantage point!(占领制高点!). 10.自爆卡车:My target has been found!(我找到目标了!), Let's make a delivery!(集中精力搞运输!), I'm preparing to die!(随时准备献身!), You'll be a smoking creator!(让敌方基地化为火海!). 11.辐射工兵:Desolator ready!(辐射炮预备!), Scorch the earth!(撕裂土地!)

基地车 Location is key. 位置是关键。 Let's find some flat land. 让我们找块平地。 Let's setup sharpe. 让我们快速建立基地。 天启 It is judgement-day. 这将是审判日。 狙击手 Give me a target. 给我一个目标。

超时空军团兵 Reloving....Deconstructing... 吸收,消灭.. They're history. 他们将是过去。 Never Existed. 从不存在。 Yes,commander. 是的,长官。 V3火箭: Not too close,please. 请不要太接近(目标)。

核弹 Warning:nuclear silo detected. 警告:侦测到核弹发射井。 Nuclear missle launched. 核弹攻击接近中。 闪电风暴 Warning:Weather control device detected. 警告:侦测到天气控制器。 Lightning storm created. 闪电风暴接近中

gongyoyo commented 4 years ago

Construction Complete~

gongyoyo commented 4 years ago

Moving Out!

gongyoyo commented 4 years ago

On My Way⚡

960PRO commented 4 years ago


Yt-1994 commented 4 years ago

Why can you make voice calls?

shrekuu commented 4 years ago

Do you like my skirt?

Abandonist commented 4 years ago

So...what are you talking about?

ZsgsDesign commented 4 years ago

@Abandonist Just play Red Alert, and you will find out that all above sentences are actual words unit would say when they act.

arthaszyb commented 2 years ago

Construction complete

gitouni commented 2 years ago

Establishing battle fields control, stand by....

dxhisboy commented 2 years ago

For the union!