electronstudio / raylib-python-cffi

Python CFFI bindings for Raylib
Eclipse Public License 2.0
142 stars 29 forks source link

not in bindings.md in raylib #15

Closed chriscamacho closed 3 years ago

chriscamacho commented 3 years ago

do send Ray a PR with this project will you for their BINDINGS.md the only python module in there is for raylb 2.0 !

electronstudio commented 3 years ago

Yeah I meant to but I was going to do a new release first... which I haven't had time to do!

chriscamacho commented 3 years ago

more into the C side of things, but if theres anyway I can help?

electronstudio commented 3 years ago

Currently Linux and Mac have been updated to 3.0 but I don't have Windows VM setup to do a windows build. (And it's a pain even when you do.)

chriscamacho commented 3 years ago

just a thought have you tried windows subsystem for linux, much less painful build environment basically you use the mingw-cross packages, which you can actually do from Linux too, allround easier way to make a windows exe... (building libs should be as painless)

On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 09:13, Richard Smith notifications@github.com wrote:

Currently Linux and Mac have been updated to 3.0 but I don't have Windows VM setup to do a windows build. (And it's a pain even when you do.)

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electronstudio commented 3 years ago

I do usually cross-compile windows libs but for some reason for Raylib I'm not doing that. I suspect I tried and it wouldn't work with mingw and so was forced to use visual studio build tools.

electronstudio commented 3 years ago

I think the issue might be that python is compiled with VS so extensions for python must also be compiled with VS.

chriscamacho commented 3 years ago

one of many ways to do it... http://bedroomcoders.co.uk/looking-again-at-compiling-a-windows-raylib-app/

On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 13:49, Richard Smith notifications@github.com wrote:

I do usually cross-compile windows libs but for some reason for Raylib I'm not doing that. I suspect I tried and it wouldn't work with mingw and so was forced to use visual studio build tools.

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chriscamacho commented 3 years ago

urgh shudder I hate stuff like this!

On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 13:59, Richard Smith notifications@github.com wrote:

I think the issue might be that python is compiled with VS so extensions for python must also be compiled with VS.

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