electrotype / vscode-windows-explorer-context-menu

VSCode extension to open the Windows Explorer Context Menu
15 stars 2 forks source link

VSC Insiders #2

Open d0ob opened 3 years ago

d0ob commented 3 years ago

Hi there !

There is something happening (or not happening I should say) I really can't figure out ! Not sure if really related to your extension directly but I really don't know where to look at about that, I figured I could dare to ask here..

I recently installed alongside my "visual studio code" installation a "visual studio code insiders" installation, which I built totally differently ; That way I choose which one I want to use depending on what I want to do. ( Probably not smart lol but it works fine and at least it's straightforward to differentiate and easy to configure ! ) /mylife

One thing doesn't work like I expected though : When I want to open anything from one to the other, directly from the contextual menu, it doesn't want to ! I have to go through the explorer itself. Nothing happen if I do :

Or the bit longer :

Any clue ? Is it expected ? It's nitpicking because I can totally do without that, maybe it's mostly curiosity about why it doesn't work ! Also, I'll take the opportunity to give my thanks for the extension ! Really useful I love it !

electrotype commented 3 years ago


Have you tried the 3 different executables provided with the extension?

Sadly, there are some menu items that don't seem to work properly, indeed. For example the "Properties" option doesn't work for me. I have no idea why.

I'm not the author of the executables that the extension uses so I can't really help. If you find a better exe to call in order to open the context menu, with less limitations, I will gradly add it to the project!

d0ob commented 3 years ago

Indeed I don't have the "properties" either ! Didn't even noticed ! Ah yes I see, well no I couldn't tell better, I don't know any ^^ All of that is witchcraft to me lol Edit: I just tried the extention "open in external app", well again, while it works when I set up notepad, VSCode exes doesn't launch anything !

I didn't thought about using the other executable because I didn't really understand what that meant at the time ^^ But I just tilted, and tried ! The third one doesn't really work at all for me, just a blank little column ; But the second, strangely enough, while it indeed open on the first screen ^^ and still doesn't open the VScode exes, open the properties ! There is definitely strange behavior behind all that ^^

Well, I'm already glad as it serve it's purpose already ! And I thank you much for your quick answer ! =)