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Maze solving using ndimage.generic_filter #20

Open rougier opened 8 years ago

rougier commented 8 years ago

Author: Nicolas Rougier (@rougier) Submitted by: Nicolas Rougier (@rougier)

The snippet below creates a maze and solve it using ndimage.generic_filter. The "trick" is to use the generic_filer to diffuse a value (at the entrance) in the maze such as to reach the exit. Then, by descending the gradient from the entrance, you can reach the exit (shortest path). This is a simplified version of the Bellman-Ford algorithm.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
''' Maze solving using the Bellman-Ford algorithm '''

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import generic_filter

def maze(shape=(64,64), complexity=.75, density = 1):
    # Only odd shapes
    shape = ((shape[0]//2)*2+1, (shape[1]//2)*2+1)

    # Adjust complexity and density relative to maze size
    complexity = int(complexity*(5*(shape[0]+shape[1])))
    density    = int(density*(shape[0]//2*shape[1]//2))

    # Build actual maze
    Z = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool)

    # Fill borders
    Z[0,:] = Z[-1,:] = 1
    Z[:,0] = Z[:,-1] = 1

    # Create islands
    for i in range(density):
        x = shape[1]*(0.5-min(max(np.random.normal(0,.5),-.5),.5))
        y = shape[0]*(0.5-min(max(np.random.normal(0,.5),-.5),.5))
        x, y = (x//2)*2, (y//2)*2

        Z[y,x] = 1
        for j in range(complexity):
            neighbours = []
            if x > 1:           neighbours.append( (y,x-2) )
            if x < shape[1]-2:  neighbours.append( (y,x+2) )
            if y > 1:           neighbours.append( (y-2,x) )
            if y < shape[0]-2:  neighbours.append( (y+2,x) )
            if len(neighbours):
                y_,x_ = neighbours[np.random.random_integers(0,len(neighbours)-1)]
                if Z[y_,x_] == 0:
                    Z[y_,x_] = 1
                    Z[y_+(y-y_)//2, x_+(x-x_)//2] = 1
                    x, y = x_, y_

    Z[-2,-1] = 0 # Entrance
    Z[ 0, 1] = 0 # Exit
    return 1 - Z

n = 41
Z = maze((n,n))

# Diffusion
G = np.zeros((n,n))
G[-2,-1] = 1
def diffuse(Z):
    N = 0.99*Z[0] # North
    W = 0.99*Z[1] # West
    V =      Z[2] # Center
    E = 0.99*Z[3] # East
    S = 0.99*Z[4] # South
    return max(max(max(max(V,E),W),N),S)

for i in xrange(5*(n+n)):
    G = Z * generic_filter(G, diffuse, footprint= [[0, 1, 0],
                                                   [1, 1, 1],
                                                   [0, 1, 0]])

# Solution finding and drawing by ascending gradient
y,x = 0, 1
X,Y = [],[]
dirs = [(0,-1), (0,+1), (-1,0), (+1,0)]
S = Z.astype(float)
for i in range(5*(n+n)):
    Y.append(y), X.append(x)
    neighbours = -np.ones(4)
    if x > 0:            neighbours[0] = G[y,x-1]
    if x < G.shape[1]-1: neighbours[1] = G[y,x+1]
    if y > 0:            neighbours[2] = G[y-1,x]
    if y < G.shape[0]-1: neighbours[3] = G[y+1,x]
    a = np.argmax(neighbours)
    x,y  = x + dirs[a][1], y + dirs[a][0]

# Visualization
plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, frameon=False)
plt.imshow(G, interpolation='nearest', cmap=plt.cm.hot, vmin=0, vmax=1)
plt.scatter(X, Y, s=40.0, lw=1, color='k', marker='o', edgecolors='k', facecolors='w')
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])