elegantapp / pwa-asset-generator

Automates PWA asset generation and image declaration. Automatically generates icon and splash screen images, favicons and mstile images. Updates manifest.json and index.html files with the generated images according to Web App Manifest specs and Apple Human Interface guidelines.
MIT License
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Add og image option #785

Open BramVanBerkel opened 2 years ago

BramVanBerkel commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your great work on this package. Would it be an option to add the generating of an og image with the dimensions of 1200*630 pixels (the recommended size of an og image)?

More info: https://ogp.me/

Thanks in advance!

dantman commented 2 years ago

Other sites like Reddit use square og:images.


It may be worth investigating how Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter treat multiple og:image tags with different aspect ratios to see what the best to generate are.