eleith / calchoochoo

yet another caltrain schedule app for android
MIT License
1 stars 2 forks source link

Submit app to F-Droid (FOSS android app store) #2

Open betsythefc opened 6 years ago

betsythefc commented 6 years ago

Can this be added to F-Droid so that those without the Google Play Services can get updates automatically?


eleith commented 6 years ago

good idea.

any thoughts on if the dependency on Google play services would be a hurdle?

betsythefc commented 6 years ago

I've heard other apps having issues getting in because of that. What is the dependency for? Could it be removed? (I understand that may not be easy)

eleith commented 6 years ago

Google maps, analytics (which I can remove) and location services.

I'll do some research.

betsythefc commented 6 years ago

You could switch to OpenStreetMap as the mapping service which I believe provides a tiling service so you don't have to download the maps per the typical OSM model.

And if I understand location services, it can be provided for in a generic model that uses whatever provider the phone has installed, so it's not directly dependent on Google Play Services.

Correct me if I'm wrong :)