I just downloaded Quodlibet-3.2.2_0.zip on my Yosemite machine and excitedly tried to fire up Quod Libet, only to have nothing happen.
If I try to launch QuodLibet from the command line I get this output:
Bernts-MacBook-Pro-2:Applications bernt$ ./Quodlibet\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/Quodlibet
Bernts-MacBook-Pro-2:Applications bernt$ PYTHONPATH=./Quodlibet 2.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/gtk-2.0:./Quodlibet 2.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7/site-packages:./Quodlibet 2.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python2.7:
./Quodlibet 2.app/Contents/MacOS/Quodlibet: line 179: ./Quodlibet: No such file or directory
I don't see a gtk-2.0 folder in the application folder - but I think there is one more issue, which is that the PYTHONPATH argument is missing an escape for the space in "Quodlibet 2.app".
I just downloaded Quodlibet-3.2.2_0.zip on my Yosemite machine and excitedly tried to fire up Quod Libet, only to have nothing happen.
If I try to launch QuodLibet from the command line I get this output:
I don't see a gtk-2.0 folder in the application folder - but I think there is one more issue, which is that the PYTHONPATH argument is missing an escape for the space in "Quodlibet 2.app".