[ ] Weblate sync, fix lint issue if any (in a dedicated PR)
[ ] Check the update of the store descriptions (using Google Translate if necessary) to ensure that the changes are acceptable to be published to the stores.
[ ] While Weblate is locked, and after the PR from Weblate has been merged, handle all the TODOs in the main strings.xml file
[ ] Run the script ./tools/release/pushPlayStoreMetaData.sh. You can check in the GooglePlay console the Activity log to check the effect.
[ ] Check the crash reports on the GooglePlay console
[ ] Check the Android Element room for any reported issues on the new version
[ ] If all is OK, promote the open testing release to production. Generally using a 100% roll out, but can be a smaller value depending on the release content.
[x] The application is available to the PlayStore users (live). Google can take (again!) between 1 hour and up to 7 days to approve the release.
Once production is live on PlayStore
[ ] Ping the Android public room and update its topic
[ ] Add an entry in the internal diary
Android SDK2
The SDK2 and the sample app are released only when Element has been pushed to production.
[ ] On the SDK2 project, run the script ./tools/releaseScript.sh and follow the instructions.
Note: if the step ./gradlew closeAndReleaseRepository fails (for instance, several repositories are waiting to be handled), you have to close and release the repository manually. Do the following steps:
Release checklist
Before the release
. You can check in the GooglePlay console the Activity log to check the effect.Do the release
Once tested and validated internally
Once open testing is live on PlayStore
Once Live on F-Droid
After at least 2 days (generally next Monday)
Once production is live on PlayStore
Android SDK2
The SDK2 and the sample app are released only when Element has been pushed to production.
Note: if the step
./gradlew closeAndReleaseRepository
fails (for instance, several repositories are waiting to be handled), you have to close and release the repository manually. Do the following steps:Android SDK2 sample