element-hq / element-ios

A glossy Matrix collaboration client for iOS
Apache License 2.0
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Adjustable font text size #496

Closed dbkr closed 1 year ago

dbkr commented 8 years ago

Vector should obey the system text size setting: Gary has his system text size turned up but it's still tiny in vector which makes it hard to read.

giomfo commented 8 years ago

See Text Programming Guide for iOS (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/StringsTextFonts/Conceptual/TextAndWebiPhoneOS/CustomTextProcessing/CustomTextProcessing.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009542-CH4-SW65)

ara4n commented 8 years ago

@giomfo: please can we try to get this into the upcoming release? it's starting to become quite a contentious point....

ghost commented 6 years ago

I have iPhone 7 and yes, it’s hard to read the text for my tired eyes. Improving Riot iOS by adding adjustable text could be a nice move ;-)

fredronnv commented 5 years ago

This really needs to come in, number one complaint I have from people I try to introduce to Riot. It's way too small by default with no way of adjusting it.

skerit commented 5 years ago

My husband has achromatopsia and my best friend also has an eye condition, they need to change the font size in order to see anything in the app. Not being able to do so is an accessibility nightmare.

silic0ns0ul commented 5 years ago

tiny font size hurts my eyes. decided to quickly search issues and found this.... nearly 3 years ago requested?!

flehmann commented 4 years ago

Second that. Adjustable font size is needed.

JBossmin commented 3 years ago

Yes please - this is a REALLY good product, and i appreciate all the work that has gone into it! Adding in the larger font option would allow for better/more adoption! :-)

vecna13 commented 3 years ago

For iOS users who need this feature (for accessibility reasons, etc.), I recommend trying FluffyChat.

lampholder commented 3 years ago

Today the systems settings regarding text size are mostly ignored - system text size does appear to be honoured in the contacts list (where it causes problems like https://github.com/vector-im/element-ios/issues/3386).

LaraSQP commented 3 years ago

The key issue is Accessibility settings:

Settings -> Accessibility -> Display & Font Size -> Larger Text -> Larger Accessibility Sizes

Please, please, please.

codedeeply commented 2 years ago

Seconding and following up on this... Looks like it's been an issue for quite some time. This continues to be the biggest complaint I get regarding usability of the application.

catwithbanana commented 2 years ago

I am amazed that this issue has been open for years with no fix in sight. PLEASE add a font size setting to the app -- it is a serious usability & accessibility issue.

metakondensat commented 2 years ago

What @catwithbanana said. People with bad eyesight (me) wold appreciate that.

ulte commented 2 years ago

I would agree. It seems like this would be a huge win and is a big ticket item

Zafrola commented 2 years ago

Please this is old and really needed

ulte commented 2 years ago

What would it take to resolve this? I can’t believe this has been an issue since 2018 and still has yet to be addressed.

Zafrola commented 2 years ago

Really sorry to be rude and correct you this way. but this bug has been around since 2016

ulte commented 2 years ago

@Zafrola no worries! Even better - 2016! still sad though

verymilan commented 2 years ago

People keep asking me about this, it would be great if it happened one day. :/

ulte commented 2 years ago

Hey developers, is there a voting method we can use to convey the importance of this feature or rather requirement? Half your population have trouble reading the messages in ios.

spantaleev commented 2 years ago

Given that it's been at least 6 years and the font size is still exactly the same, it's obvious that element-ios' developers think that whatever the font size is now is reasonably good. Even if Dynamic font sizes are difficult to implement (which they're not very, since I've done some initial work on it 5 years ago in #1562), they could have at least raised the default font size for everyone to a sane (larger) value.

There are other clients (e.g. Fluffychat) that use a larger font size by default and that support increasing the font size even further. Your interests are better served elsewhere anyway.

alongls commented 2 years ago

we were also in the need for font increase capability but since it has no progress we moved to fluffy chat that supports this option. if element wants to be the official matrix client it has to go BIG improvements.

pixlwave commented 2 years ago

Adding a reply to this issue with the current state of our support for Dynamic Type on iOS. Whilst we would very much like to support this in our existing app, the core screens (room lists and timeline) are very old now and require significant modernisation. We have chosen instead to focus our efforts on re-writing these as part of ElementX (our next gen iOS client that uses the Rust SDK).

Whilst it will be some time before we have anything to release that is even Alpha, I would like to emphasise that Dynamic Type was one of the first things we considered in the prototyping stage and already have support for it in the both the room list and timeline: https://github.com/vector-im/element-x-ios/issues/44#issuecomment-1123917566

Sorry I don't have anything more immediate to share, but felt it was worth adding some perspective to this issue.

Zafrola commented 2 years ago

What a shameless excuse. This issue has been open since Aug 4 2016. Adding dynamic font was never on the menu. You could've added it 6 years ago. And you just realized? Took 6 years to write a reply? Shame on you

Twi1ightSparkle commented 1 year ago

Feedback from a user received over email:

Can blind and visually impaired people use Matrix, and how do they do it?

I have tried to use Element on iOS. It’s impossible; the font size is microscopic.

I have searched the FAQ but no mention or helpful advice for folks in my situation.

Hope we’ve not been forgotten.

alekslyse commented 1 year ago

Any update on this? Text sizes are really small

manuroe commented 1 year ago

We will not make it in Element-iOS. It is already available in ElementX, the new coming app. You can see it action here (this is the first animation I found. EX looks much nicer now). I am closing this bug here.