Not sure if defect or enhancement so tagging with both until there's been some design input.
The left panel shows People and Rooms for a space.
I expect the + button next to People to suggest people in that space to me or at least prioritise People who are in that space under suggestions. Currently it suggests people with whom I have conversations already and random people that I don't know.
I expect the + button next to Rooms to show me an option to add rooms from that space first (so have "Explore rooms" as the first menu items) and potentially not have "Create new room"/"Add existing room" unless I can action those. The context menu here seems geared towards administration rather than using spaces.
Would be good to have input from @nadonomy and @daniellekirkwood
Not sure if defect or enhancement so tagging with both until there's been some design input.
The left panel shows People and Rooms for a space.
I expect the + button next to People to suggest people in that space to me or at least prioritise People who are in that space under suggestions. Currently it suggests people with whom I have conversations already and random people that I don't know.
I expect the + button next to Rooms to show me an option to add rooms from that space first (so have "Explore rooms" as the first menu items) and potentially not have "Create new room"/"Add existing room" unless I can action those. The context menu here seems geared towards administration rather than using spaces.
Would be good to have input from @nadonomy and @daniellekirkwood