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The room list / space list can not be reached via a shortcut directly #22674

Open justjanne opened 2 years ago

justjanne commented 2 years ago

The new search dialog needs to be accessible, especially for screen reader users.


I get that the tree still exists. But I used to reach it via ctrl-k, and now there seems to be no way to get there via the keyboard. Maybe F6/shift-F6 to navigate forward/back between the spaces tree, the rooms tree in the space, and the home/room/space exploration area might be nice. Not strictly related to this dialog, but it might give me a useful keybinding if ctrl-k isn't meant to completely replace the former experience.

justjanne commented 2 years ago

This issue was split out from https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/22361, copying the applicable labels from that issue.

sploner commented 2 weeks ago

This issue hasn't been touched for 2 years, but seems to be remarkably easy to fix:

This is how the source code for elements in the room / private message channel list currently looks like: <div role="treeitem" aria-label="<the-room-name>" aria-selected="false" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_RoomTile mx_RoomTile_selected" tabindex="-1">

Switching the tabindex to 0 (tab-accessible without interfering with the standard order) fixes the issue: <div role="treeitem" aria-label="<the-room-name>" aria-selected="false" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_RoomTile mx_RoomTile_selected" tabindex="0">

Could we get this fixed? This could be a "Good first issue".

The room list is an essential part of a chat client, and this issue makes the whole client unusable for screen reader users. Having a blind person on our team, we are currently thinking about switching to another messanger just for this reason.

A further point that could be fixed alongside is that the role of those buttons is "treeitem", but should be "button". ( See, e.g., https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10403138/what-is-the-purpose-of-the-role-attribute-in-html )

t3chguy commented 2 weeks ago

Your comments seem entirely unrelated to this issue, which is about having a quicker way to reach this area of the app rather than hitting tab until you reach it. This issue would be fixed by something like https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-react-sdk/pull/12190

Could we get this fixed? This could be a "Good first issue".

@sploner I think you're misunderstanding what you're seeing. The space panel (like a bunch of other complex widgets) uses Roving tab indexes. You can read more about it here https://a11y-solutions.stevenwoodson.com/solutions/focus/roving-focus/

There will always be 1 item (set) within the treeview with tabindex 0 and you use arrows to navigate between them.

A further point that could be fixed alongside is that the role of those buttons is "treeitem", but should be "button".

This is wrong, see https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/treeview/examples/treeview-navigation/ - button is not a semantic child of treeview

sploner commented 2 weeks ago

Got it, thank you.

(When not having a room selected (when opening /#/home ), it's not possible to tab into the room selection, so the room list seemed not to be navigatable via keyboard at all. It's been a while since I worked on websites.

Once a room is selected via mouse click, the room list can be tab-ed and arrows select the specific room. The prerequisite is tricky for screen reader users, but might be fixed along with the linked issue, so I'll wait for this one.)

t3chguy commented 2 weeks ago

@sploner I cannot reproduce that, I can tab along and I'll hit Invites which is part of the room list treeview, from there I can use arrow key navigation to navigate the treeview widget. If you are having issues please open a new issue with reproduction steps as well as screenshots/dom snapshots if possible on a test account

Edit: the path for Invites in the a11y tree is

navigation Rooms > tree Rooms > treeitem Invites > button Invites