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Seperate space permissions for adding and removing rooms + Global space picker when creating rooms #27467

Closed eickeh closed 2 weeks ago

eickeh commented 2 weeks ago

Your use case

First of all, thanks for your work! Sorry if that's two issues in your opinion or this should go somewhere else. Please tell me in this case and I'll move and link it.

What would you like to do?

1) I'd like to allow all space members to add rooms by default, but not to remove any rooms they didn't create. Basically as it's already possible outside any space (let me call this "top level" for now) by default. 2) Plus, when creating a room an additional drop-down menu would be nice to choose in which space to create this room (or the "top level"/"no space"/"instance wide").

Why would you like to do it?

1) Our group has a subspace in an organization-wide Matrix instance and it would be nice to keep the group-related rooms within that space such that the corresponding admins have power over it. Otherwise, if the last room admin left the group, we'd have to annoy the instance admins to give us permissions. 2) People would probably not notice that they don't create it within the space but within the "top level" instead.

How would you like to achieve it?

1) Would be nice to have separate space permissions to add rooms and delete/manage rooms such that one could easily manage those in the UI. 2) Have a drop down menu when creating a room showing the possible spaces to create this room in.

Have you considered any alternatives?

Alternatives for 1):

Alternative for 2): Only thing I can think of is tell them to create rooms within our space or migrate the rooms afterwards. But as we're all humans that wouldn't work very well.

Additional context

No response

t3chguy commented 2 weeks ago

That isn't possible in the Matrix implementation of Spaces due to the use of state events which only have a single permission for setting them. I suggest opening an issue in https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec - unfortunately I cannot transfer it between orgs.

eickeh commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the pointer, I'll create an issue there! I guess for the spec only my point 1) is relevant as point 2) is more UI specific, right?

t3chguy commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, and in future also keep issues to about one thing per-issue

eickeh commented 2 weeks ago

Posted relevant part here in matrix-spec repo: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec/issues/1821