element-hq / element-web

A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web.
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Rooms don't show as unread when threads which I participate in have new messages #27470

Open turt2live opened 2 weeks ago

turt2live commented 2 weeks ago

Steps to reproduce

You will need 2 users, including yourself.

  1. As your opponent, send a message.
  2. As you, create a thread from that message. Click away to another room after.
  3. As your opponent, send a message on that thread.
  4. As you, note the room doesn't appear as unread (but the message preview updates)


What did you expect?

The room should be marked as unread: this is a thread I care about and should receive blocking notifications for.

What happened instead?

Nothing :D

Operating system

Windows 11

Application version

Element Nightly version: 0.0.1-nightly.2024051401 Crypto version: Rust SDK 0.7.0 (61b175b), Vodozemac 0.5.1

How did you install the app?

The Internet



Will you send logs?


wu-lee commented 1 week ago

I think I'm seeing this too. It mostly seems to relate to threaded messages, not yet certain if it occurs for unthreaded ones.

Element version: 1.11.66 at element.digitalcommons.coop Crypto version: Olm 3.2.15 Local Matrix server is Synapse 1.107.0 at matrix.digitalcommons.coop My browser is Firefox (LibreWolf) 125.0.3-1 on Linux. Other users using the same client and server have been reporting this, however.

Installed via Cloudron, which reports:

langleyd commented 2 days ago

@turt2live thread activity has been removed from the room list to as it made the room list too noisey. So we would no longer expect it there.

The thread activity center can be used to get your thread notifications(bottom left, above settings). By default this will only give thread notifications(green and red dots), but if you want thread activity in here you can enabled it from notification settings(turn off the "Only show notifications in the thread activity centre" toggle).

I don't believe there is currently a way for us to track "this is a thread I care about". We do however want to add thread participation back into the solution in future which should accommodate this use case.

Please feel free to re-open if I have misunderstood something.

turt2live commented 2 days ago

I'd like to keep this open as a feature request, as currently it's leading to me missing some extremely important messages.

What are green dots, and what is considered "thread activity"? As a user, my participating threads feel like they should be 'notifications'.

t3chguy commented 2 days ago

Lowering O due to most users seemingly preferring the TAC experience

turt2live commented 2 days ago

Do they prefer the experience, or are they unaware of the bug/feature? 😇

t3chguy commented 2 days ago

I have seen comments saying that it fixed threads and stuck notifications for them

wu-lee commented 1 day ago

Essentially all our users were at first unaware of the change in the notification UI, then alarmed at the number of messages they had been missing. (Including me! I assumed this was a bug.) This despite the new "thread activity centre", which is there but very easy to miss, and its intention not clear.

So this is us saying that the notifications as they were before were more intuitive, and helpful not "noisy", at least when they worked correctly. (Based on comments I've seen, general confidence in the reliability of Element's notifications has been dropping, and this has reduced it further.) Switching this without any warning to users - who may be unaware there has been an upgrade - adds to the problem.

Perhaps the new "thread activity centre" should be an option rather than a replacement?

wu-lee commented 1 day ago

(I should add, a big reason users are comfortable with the unread message markers next to channels is that this is how it works currently on What's App, Telegram, Signal and Slack - so if not all the other similar applications, at least the widely used ones that I know of)

t3chguy commented 1 day ago

Essentially all our users were at first unaware of the change in the notification UI

which is there but very easy to miss, and its intention not clear.


Did you not see the in-app release announcement?

turt2live commented 1 day ago

I never got that announcement, fwiw