element-plus / element-plus-nuxt-starter

🌰 A starter example for element-plus with Nuxt 3.
MIT License
299 stars 83 forks source link

update - updated the nuxt.config.ts #74

Open Kamsi-yonna opened 8 months ago

vercel[bot] commented 8 months ago

@Kamsi-yonna is attempting to deploy a commit to the Element Plus Team on Vercel.

A member of the Team first needs to authorize it.

YunYouJun commented 8 months ago

We look forward to as much as possible, consistent with the https://github.com/antfu/vitesse-nuxt3/blob/main/nuxt.config.ts, can you modify it?

Kamsi-yonna commented 8 months ago

Hey, thanks for the response. I have a basic template I use for mine, but I'd look at the one you just sent and see how I can make the adjustments.